Our Mission

We're here to help you love growing plants as much as we do. Whether it's your first visit or the twentieth time you've been here this month, it's our privilege to be your gardening partner. We aspire to nurture adventurous gardeners, which is why we guarantee each plant we sell. Tell us the stories of your spaces, and we'll help make them beautiful.

succulents on a table

Top Sellers

Split-Leaf Monstera


ZZ Plant


Ginseng Ficus


Calathea Lietzei

Succulents being prepared for propogation

Best practices for propogating

Integer volutpat ante et accumsan commophasellus sed aliquam feugiat lorem aliquet ut enim rutrum phasellus iaculis accumsan dolore magna aliquam veroeros.

sword ferns and pine trees

Planning your outdoor garden

Integer volutpat ante et accumsan commophasellus sed aliquam feugiat lorem aliquet ut enim rutrum phasellus iaculis accumsan dolore magna aliquam veroeros.


Mon through Fri: 10 AM - 4 PM

Sat: 8 AM - 4 PM

Sun: Closed